This blog is to share my thoughts on Home as a Holy Place. Twenty-five years of marriage and children have brought many adventures that teach me daily home can be sacred ground. Wherever we seek Christ and whenever He reaches into our lives the holiness begins.

Home - 
As We Reach Up, Heaven Reaches Out

Perhaps when you think of a holy place you think of a quiet and peaceful religious edifice.  I think of home.  Yes, even though it is generally busy and noisy – and sometimes messy and confusing.   It is quiet and peaceful at 3:00 a.m.  (I checked.)  And it can be holy.  God places us in our family circles where we need and see each others needs so profoundly.   What is so miraculous to me is how often in meeting family needs such as clothing, feeding and caring for others, it feels anything but holy - yet, I cannot deny that in this process of our reaching up, Heaven reaches out. 

Years ago when one of my children was very young, perhaps 3 or 4, I had an interesting experience that I have drawn on again and again.  I recognize it may not apply to other similar situations - but it was a parenting breakthrough for me.  I was giving my son his night time bath.  It was a difficult process because no matter what I said, he did not want to cooperate.  Every effort was a battle, every instruction a fight. I was confused and frustrated.   Why?  What?  How?  I offered a heartfelt prayer to heaven, "Why does he fight against everything I say?"  The thought came so distinctly to my mind, "He doesn't feel in charge of his life."  A quick and clear answer like that was not common for me.  The answer was completely foreign to my thinking.  Is that what he needs?  I thought about it over and over again.   I began to consider more often how to help my children see their capacity to make choices and to own their decisions.  My child needed me to teach him in a truthful way about his power to choose and the consequences that follow.   Certainly it wasn’t the end of conflict for that child or the others, but it was the beginning of a critical new perception on my part. 

My son needed a bath and someone to teach him how to use his freedom. I needed light and understanding.  And “God gave the increase.”  (1 Corinthians 3:6)  Then for a moment – we were in a holy place.