This blog is to share my thoughts on Home as a Holy Place. Twenty-five years of marriage and children have brought many adventures that teach me daily home can be sacred ground. Wherever we seek Christ and whenever He reaches into our lives the holiness begins.

"And God Saw That It Was Good"

"And God saw that it was good." This is the pronouncement at day's end during the creation record in Genesis. After the dry lands are separated from the earth, after the grass, herb and tree are created, God says "it was good." Continuing up to the crowning creation of Eve, it changes to "very good" on the sixth day. 

As I go to bed, I realized I recount the negative; those things that did not happen, and the never ending to do list. At day's end, I'm seeing what is NOT good. This leads to unrestful sleep, discouragement and some anxiety. 

So recently reading God's pronouncement on his creations at the end of each day, I felt the Lord giving me a message to change my pattern. I saw that If God saw that at the end of each creation period, it was good, then I would too. Celebration is the new evening plan. Simple declarations of good such as:
  • We ate dinner! 
  • Some dishes are getting done! 
  • I smiled at my children! 
  • I sent an inspiring text to tell a family member I loved them.
  • Wahoo!  We rock here!
  • It was good! 
  • I see that It is good.
I am amazed at the measure of peace that follows. Celebration creates a psychological fortress that keeps out the discouragement and is emotionally indispensable. 

All these years I've read the creation record and failed to see the critical component at the end of the day, until now.  Now I have a way to put in place the good each day where it belongs in a verbal pronouncement.  And that is "very good!"