This blog is to share my thoughts on Home as a Holy Place. Twenty-five years of marriage and children have brought many adventures that teach me daily home can be sacred ground. Wherever we seek Christ and whenever He reaches into our lives the holiness begins.

Simply Family

G K Chesterton said:  “The most extraordinary thing in the world is an ordinary man and an ordinary woman and their ordinary children.” I heard this quote at the World Congress on Families IX this week.  All week long I heard wonderful studies, and testimonials and stories of the power and importance of the natural family.  Historically and statistically the natural family creates a seedbed for happiness, health, wealth, and education.  

After all the studies were explained, and the powerful witnesses borne and the historical stability of the ages shared, I knew in my heart that my own simple experiences were the overwhelming evidence of the true, the good and the beautiful about family.  

Simply family.  Simply learning and growing and learning and growing some more.  Sharing ideas, saying I'm sorry, and lending a hand.   Cheering, comforting, compromising and affirming each other brings joy. 

The simple things today:

Harvesting and preparing the garden for winter.  
Picking the last of the tomatoes and broccoli together.
A teenage son hugging me and telling me he loves me.
A child cooking me an egg.
Seeing the ingenuity of my children as they created 
a pirate with accordion and Captain America costumes.
Discussing a root cellar together.
Planning our next family meeting.
Laughing together.

I went to the conference to learn about family, and I came home to live the family.  I deeply felt the love, hope and faith in my mother as she raised me and my five brothers and sisters.  It is that I wish to cherish daily and give to my children and their children. As Stephanie Nielsen, who fought her way back to motherhood after burns on 80% of her body, said, "Once upon a time is real, and happily ever after is true."