This blog is to share my thoughts on Home as a Holy Place. Twenty-five years of marriage and children have brought many adventures that teach me daily home can be sacred ground. Wherever we seek Christ and whenever He reaches into our lives the holiness begins.

Motherhood Calling

Waaahhh! The baby calls!  I am a new grandma and I'm reminded that when the baby is hungry, you know it! Mom answers the call. This new little bundle is trying to make sense of the world. Can I trust people to take care of me? Am I safe? The baby calls out for their needs to be met and part of motherhood is providing that food, comfort, and care. This is how the child makes sense of their world. The mother answers the child's call and the baby learns to trust and love.

This baby calling becomes a calling for mothers. Motherhood is a calling. And the calls keep coming as baby grows. What kind of a world is this? How does the child make sense of today's world? It's divisions? It's voices? It's complexities? It's challenges? Who better than a mother? The child calls forth the best motherhood has to offer.  

From her, the child watches how to give, receive, learn, and change. From her, the child learns values and what matters. From her, the child learns how to handle joy and pain, success and difficulty. The child watches how she treats others and what effect that has on relationships with others.  Every interaction is teaching something about how to navigate home and navigate the world. The mother is the most influential voice in her home, in the rising generation, and in shaping the world. The call is to be her to be her best self as a new little person is watching everything she says and does, a powerful pattern that has been in place for thousands of years.

Women everywhere answer this call and calling by giving birth, adopting children, offering love and support to a child and caring about the rising generation.  They answer the calling every time they teach how to listen, share values, meet needs, and declare truth. The culture a mother provides is the best antidote to the current culture divide. I saw in this newest mother's home, multiplied the world over, mothers answering the call of a baby, which will bring trust and peace, not only in one tiny home, but to the world at large. Motherhood, the calling that shapes the world, one mother and baby at a time.