This blog is to share my thoughts on Home as a Holy Place. Twenty-five years of marriage and children have brought many adventures that teach me daily home can be sacred ground. Wherever we seek Christ and whenever He reaches into our lives the holiness begins.

Slowing Down

Move! Hurry! Faster! More! I don't have time!

Guilty. These phrases describe how I thought for many years up until March 2020 when life slowed down because of the worldwide pandemic and subsequent quarantine. Our quarantine experience I recognize may be drastically different from areas that are hard hit by the corona virus. 

While people in the medical, food and education fields may have out of necessity accelerated their lives, for many families with busy lifestyles, most activities came to a screeching halt. And that halt for me brings a renewing and healing.I'd like to share my story of the previous weeks and focus on the gifts that have come to us in this time of slowing down and uncertainty. One night, as we were eating clam chowder in bread bowls my son prepared for the family, sharing perspectives, laughing, and cleaning the kitchen together, I was moved by how connected each person was to each other. I felt gratitude that each family member was so interested in each other's lives and I felt overwhelming gratitude as I cherished these moments. While each has school and or work responsibilities, our daily gatherings together are full of warmth and love. The love shows up in one child's homemade pizzas, another's African burritos, another's willingness to water the garden, the hilarious easter egg hunt, and willingness to help each other with creative projects such as flying cardboard airplanes, chocolate chip cookies and making soap. Memories of nerf gun wars, hammock readathons and watching inspiring videos fill my heart with gratitude. Piano music, duets and singing fill the air. Hymns, classical, Disney, "Let it Go" and "Over the Rainbow bring a smile to my soul. I'm especially grateful for meaningful conversations, planning and apologies. Most of all I'm grateful for the scripture sharing and weekly opportunity to worship God together. Yes, there have been a few short lived clashes, and yes we have irritating habits and problems, but that isn't what defines this sacred and beautiful time together. 

My story of these last few weeks is also one of facing weaknesses. It is a time to own my emotions and my actions - a time to face poor habits that have brought anxiety to myself and unhappiness to others. It is a time to make new commitments and keep them. My new story is one of breathing deeply, pondering carefully, journalling questions and answers. Slowly but surely, I feel more connection to God and to my family. This story is the story I want to grow as I embrace new habits and changes.  Each family's experience is unique. For me, these last few weeks have brought gifts of connection, peace and focus.

The current global pandemic is a story that will be told for years to come, but there is another story even more important. That story is the story of you and your family during this space of quarantine time and what follows it. What will be your story?  What defines your days in the current changes and challenges you face? And if there is heartache, grief and suffering, I hope our story will be to help alleviate the suffering in your story. For those who are experiencing a brief respite from the busyness of life, the slowing down offers a chance for renewal, opportunities for connection within the walls of our home and space to ponder and focus on what matters most in our lives. 

...we would do well to slow down a little,... 
focus on the significant, lift up our eyes, 
and truly see the things that matter most. 
-Dieter F. Uchtdorf