This blog is to share my thoughts on Home as a Holy Place. Twenty-five years of marriage and children have brought many adventures that teach me daily home can be sacred ground. Wherever we seek Christ and whenever He reaches into our lives the holiness begins.

Life is Sacred

My mind is on babies and my belief that life is sacred. This post is to share my heart and views on one of the most divisive and controversial issues in America. This post is neither comprehensive nor thorough, but observational, personal and heartfelt.

Recently I watched "Unplanned," a movie telling the true story of Abby Johnson who resigned from her position as clinic director from Planned Parenthood after witnessing an abortion. The movie exceeded box office predictions grossing 21 million worldwide. It is the moving story of Abby who regretted her own two abortions and her participation in killing thousands of babies at the Planned Parenthood Clinic. She joins the pro life movement and exposes the purpose of financial gain from killing the unborn. The images were graphic and the story compelling.  The after story is Abby Johnson creates "And Then There Were None" (ATTWN), a registered nonprofit organization that exists to help abortion clinic workers leave the abortion industry. Hundreds have left the industry since the movie came out in 2019.

Last week, I attended our state capitol pro life rally. Dusty Johns, the keynote speaker, shared her heart wrenching story of family abuse and her decision to abort her child conceived in an abusive relationship. Her boyfriend and mother encouraged her to have the abortion. She described the abortion as painful, compassionless and humiliating. She tells others her story in the hope of preventing other mothers from going through the same experience.

My son and my daughter attended the rally as well. They share my view that life is sacred. I asked my daughter what her takeaway was and she answered "the ripple effect." The ripple effect describes what abortion leads to in society. One common argument for abortion is, "its my life, my business." But the ripple effect says, what we do individually, and privately adds to the public attitudes and practices, making it public business. The ripple effect says this is moving outward and reaches other shores. We discussed three ripples effects from abortion:

First. When abortion is legal, condoned and encouraged, it sends the public message, it is okay to kill babies. It leads to marginalization and bigotry. If the size is small enough, the cell count low enough, the sound only a heartbeat, you don't have rights. The easier to obtain abortion, more more accepted it is, the more this idea of privileged and unprivileged groups is perpetuated. It devalues all our lives, if the youngest among us are not valued. 

Second. It perpetuates a public culture of irresponsibility. While a common argument is that women have more freedom with abortion and the "right to control their bodies," the truth is, it actually promotes irresponsible sex and a hook up culture because the consequence of having a baby is eliminated by abortion. The net effect is women pay the price for irresponsible men with uncommitted relationships. If a baby is aborted the woman also pays the emotional and physical price as well. 

Third. It sends a public message that a boundary for convenience can be legislated. Many states have a 24 week ban on abortion. New York recently passed a law that abortion is legal until the day before delivery. Where does that lead? Is it possible then for convenience to make killing legal the day after delivery?  Two days after? Under age two? Older people? Over 92?  What else is inconvenient? 

What we send out, ripples out. I believe in women, men, families, children and babies.  The time spent with my children, and granddaughter is some of the most cherished and growing time of my life. I cherish these relationships. So much can be said of the joy, the simplicity, and the humility of a child. Children love life and we have much to learn from them. They are key to our freedom and happiness. 

I believe in the choice to protect life and the unborn. After hearing Abby Johnson and Dusty John, I also feel that pro-life is pro-woman. Clearly, both women and babies need support. My hope is that the solutions and creative options to help each individual woman and child can be brought to the table so that the bitter and divisive struggle between pro-life and pro-abortion isn't centered on angry accusations and demands but on the fact that life is sacred, and that there are many choices that can preserve the dignity of a woman and the life of the unborn child. I cheer every mother and father on, in their heartfelt efforts to nurture and protect life. The ripple effect from those nurturing, protecting attitudes would make this earth a safer place for all of us. 

...Human rights are not a privilege conferred by government. 
They are every human being's entitlement by virtue of his humanity. The right to life does not depend, 
and must not be declared to be contingent, 
on the pleasure of anyone else, not even a parent or a sovereign." 
-Mother Teresa