This blog is to share my thoughts on Home as a Holy Place. Twenty-five years of marriage and children have brought many adventures that teach me daily home can be sacred ground. Wherever we seek Christ and whenever He reaches into our lives the holiness begins.

I Have Qwuoschons

This was my daughter’s letter to Santa one year: 

Dear Santa

For chrismas I want spechel things.  I want:  bitty baby.  Bitty baby car seat.  Bitty baby stroller.  Potty train baby.  Chrismas party with my friend.  Jump ropes.  That’s all. 



PS. If heavenly father visits you Tell him I have qwuoschons.

About those questions.   I marvel that she had questions to ask.  Because that is how you get answers.  I hope she has lots of questions and she keeps asking and asking.  And if Santa can help, she’s enlisted him too. 

These words are on the front of her notebook:  

Consiter the lileys of the filld.  

I gather from these two literary masterpieces, the following:
"I have questions and I trust Jesus.  He will take care of me." 
That is my conclusion too.  I do not know all things, but I do know I have received guidance from Heaven when I lacked direction, understanding when confused, and peace when troubled.  I have questions and I trust Jesus.