This blog is to share my thoughts on Home as a Holy Place. Twenty-five years of marriage and children have brought many adventures that teach me daily home can be sacred ground. Wherever we seek Christ and whenever He reaches into our lives the holiness begins.

What Will I Be Known For?

I have been reading about my ancestors.   The thousands of thoughts, desires, decisions and actions are often condensed to a few pages.  Just a few pages. That is all I have to understand who they were and what they will be known for.  This lead me to a stark thought early one morning while in my contemplative state:   What will I be known for?  After all the days are wrapped into memories, what will those around me see as the sum of who I am?  I lamented to my son that morning I would never be known for being a loving mom, because my expectations were high,I want to get things done, and I push hard.  He said to me, "Mom you are charity with a hard hat!"  I choose to feel comforted by that thought.

A valid daily question is "What will I be known for?"  As I look through the accounts of my ancestors I realize that more than their accomplishments, what was evident was what they were working towards and where their hearts were turned.  What we are striving to become may define us more than our accomplishments.

What am I striving to become?  I want to be known as a loving person with a grateful heart.  But that isn't what I am doing now.  So today I begin with the counsel from President Monson:  "A grateful heart … comes through expressing gratitude to our Heavenly Father for His blessings and to those around us for all that they bring into our lives."   In that spirit, today I express thanks to the following and what they have brought into my life; a few things out of the thousands of blessings I could list.
  • To my husband for being loyal to God and to the family and to me.  For taking care of many night feedings when the children were babies, loving me unconditionally,  taking pictures and making Sunday dinner three times this month.
  • To my children who have taught me life's lessons, joy, love, patience, hope and everything that has meaning to me in my life. For the surprise trip to Manti they planned for Dale and me, praying for my health, hugs, letting me read to them, standing by me for support, great conversations, and repairing the front door and broken chair this week.
  • To my parents who taught me to work hard and love others.  For teaching me by example to love the Lord and my fellowmen. They give unselfishly without end every day of their lives. For encouraging reading when I was young,  the trip to Hawaii, listening to me even when I am obnoxious, giving me hugs, the piano, and their continual outpouring of faith in me.
  • To Roger and Melanie Hoffman for their music Scripture Scouts, the music that saved the day then and now.
  • For the Egermeier's Bible Story Book, the stories that built faith and wonderful reading memories with my children.
  • To C.S. Lewis for the Narnia series, that we all love and adore.
  • Jaime Hilton for teaching my children piano for many years.  My home is filled with beautiful music because of her love of music and children.
  • For masking tape that holds up the many quotes, posters and goals through the years.  For duct tape that repairs many things.
  • The Lego Company.  For many, many, happy hours.  
  • Riverton Music, Lyon and Healy and Shar Music for selling musical instruments. We now have beautiful violin, viola, flute, harp, cello, and trumpet players.
  • For the prophets who give eternal, divine counsel that has guided and protected us, especially Elder Klebingat's talk this last conference to "take responsibility for your own spiritual well being."  And President Monson's counsel, "We can lift ourselves, and others as well, when we refuse to remain in the realm of negative thought and cultivate within our hearts an attitude of gratitude." 
  • To the Savior for the continual pouring of ideas and comfort and blessings as I seek to raise a family to Him. For His atonement which provides power and encouragement to act and move forward as well as forgiveness for my sins and shortcomings. 
There is the hope that my "hardhat" desires to push forward can be accompanied by an outpouring of gratitude that will reflect love of God and of my fellowmen.  And that is what I want to be known for.