This blog is to share my thoughts on Home as a Holy Place. Twenty-five years of marriage and children have brought many adventures that teach me daily home can be sacred ground. Wherever we seek Christ and whenever He reaches into our lives the holiness begins.

No Poor Here!

It was going to be a great day.  Really it was.  However; after the initial planning, the discontent and tension was everywhere.  I thought we all came together and made a lovely plan.  Not so.  Frowns, and unhappiness.  Now, note that it is September and there is food to put up in our garden.  Note that this becomes a high priority every day.  Pay close attention:  My priorities are probably not theirs.  Their wants and needs are different than mine. This should not be a revelation to me, but it took a while for it to sink in.  As I sat waiting for parent teacher conferences and pondering and praying over the unhappy turn of events, it became clear to me that we did not pay attention to their wants and needs that morning in the planning process.

There are three definitions of Zion in Mosiah 7:18, the last being "there was no poor among them."  Well, we had poor.  What is poor?  Needs and wants are not met.   Aha! Their wants and needs were't even on the planning board. So I made a phone call.  I knew what they wanted:  One wanted a hike, two wanted free time and one wanted good food. 
We followed through.  The hike, the free time, the good food.   The recalcitrant, unhappy people became more pleasant, cooperative souls.  They were willing to help with my need to dry apples. And I learned something.  While all wants and needs can't always be taken care of immediately, it is critical that we pay attention, close attention, very close attention to the wants and needs of those around us.  God created an earth where we have many opportunities to meet the needs and wants of others.  And nowhere is that more important than in the home, where we build Zion first.  What can I help you with today?  What do you need?  How can I bless your life?  Golden questions that say, "There will be no poor here!"