This blog is to share my thoughts on Home as a Holy Place. Twenty-five years of marriage and children have brought many adventures that teach me daily home can be sacred ground. Wherever we seek Christ and whenever He reaches into our lives the holiness begins.

Footprints Everywhere

"His footprints are everywhere." was said of Elder Richard G. Scott at his funeral yesterday.  His words, testimony, and love reached everywhere into peoples lives and blessed them, leaving a "footprint" of truth and light.  He blessed mine.  One of the truths that has stayed with me, he taught at the Education Week Devotional in 1997 titled Finding Happiness.  He shared a dream in which illusions, deceptions and lies were all about in a most terrifying way as he tried to find his lost wife.  Only through faith and absolute persistence in gospel truths could he break free from the manipulative, evil and contrived environment. It has helped me immensely to see hopelessness is the illusion, and faith is the absolute reality.  He left a gospel truth footprint with me.

It caused me to ponder: Where is the evidence after we have left the room, the home, the neighborhood or this life of truth, love, and kindness?  What is left when we have left? 

My oldest daughter visited with us recently for a few days.  She also left her "footprints." After she left, she sent this text:  "I know I don't always leave you all with kind words, but this time I did!  Look for them on doors around the house." We found many cards like this all over the house with messages to her brothers and sisters:  

"You are a true friend." 
"You make important things a priority, I like that a lot." 
"You are a comfort in hard times, thanks for being a shoulder to lean on." 
"Thanks for being willing to give your time off work to change my oil." 
"Thanks for talking with me about serious life decisions, that was fun." 
"You're quick to help others and serve without complaining." 
"You bring peace to his house."
"You're smile is delightful."

For days, I basked in the light of those delightful, positive and loving words.  Her footprints were blessing the entire family every day as they walked through the doors of our home.

What about God's footprints?  I love these words by James Russell Miller in The Gate Beautiful:
Even if there were no assurances in the Bible, telling us of his love, no promises of his care, common daily providence is so full of God that a thoughtful person could not doubt his existence or his care for his children.  God is the most real Friend in all the world... We can see his footprints everywhere.  We find evidences of his love, his interest, his kindness, in people's lives all about us. If one says he has never seen God, he has at least seen God's faithfulness, evidences of his love, his interest.
I know God cares about me, I see His footprints in my life. Who can measure all the truth, and love that is shared in divine footprints.  Who can know of the blessing of family and friend footprints that daily lift our sights, give us courage and change our lives.