This blog is to share my thoughts on Home as a Holy Place. Twenty-five years of marriage and children have brought many adventures that teach me daily home can be sacred ground. Wherever we seek Christ and whenever He reaches into our lives the holiness begins.

Ordinary Mothers Can Have Extraordinary Children

Ordinary mothers can have extraordinary children. 

I read this in a blog and realized this a truth to get excited about!  I am very ordinary, yet my children are anything but ordinary.  They read, learn and serve.  They play musical instruments, write, and teach. They think hard, gain skills and set goals. Each at different times in different ways of course, but here's the awesome part. We don't have to be amazing to have amazing children! As I started my parenting journey, I was poorly prepared, had few skills and less experience. And I never cease to be amazed at how forgiving and resilient children are even as we make our many mistakes. Here are my favorite tools for the toolkit of how an ordinary mom can have extraordinary children:

1.  Love them like crazy. When your children know they are the most important people in the world to you, it will give them a security and confidence that no other experience can. Listening to them and responding to their needs will build the trust that love is built on. 

2.  Read good literature to them.  Worlds and lessons of the past will open up to them from the pages you read. There is no substitute for the priceless value discussions you will have as you read from literature that shows character growth.

3.  Provide opportunities to learn and share. Go on museum expeditions, nature walks, hikes, travel, and music lessons.  Find out what they are interested in and find ways to pursue it. Are there lego clubs nearby?  Contests they can enter? What does your community provide that they can learn from?  What about home responsibilities?  Find ways to work together and also for them to complete assigned tasks. Chores or home tasks, provide opportunities to learn caring and be trustworthy. Help them look outward and see opportunities to serve others. 

It has absolutely amazed me how a few simple things have made such a big difference. You can't tell in the middle of the battle sometimes what is working and what is not. And yes! You can do this! These are simple things that bring amazing results. I know ordinary mothers can have extraordinary children!