This blog is to share my thoughts on Home as a Holy Place. Twenty-five years of marriage and children have brought many adventures that teach me daily home can be sacred ground. Wherever we seek Christ and whenever He reaches into our lives the holiness begins.

You Are Not Alone

Some time ago, I asked a dear friend a parenting question.  As helpful as answers would have been, It was also helpful to her her say, "You know, I never did very well with that."  And a different kind of helpful reached my soul. It was the feeling: "you are not alone."  The companion thought being, "I struggle with that too."

With profound gratitude, I thank those who have traveled the parenting path and provided, support, encouragement, principles and answers for me.  We all need help and reassurance as we travel the family journey.  In a different way,  I feel deeply connected to those who offered the support and love and reassurance by simply having lived through similar experiences and helping me feel, "you are not alone."

Perhaps you too have lost a loved family member. Maybe as an adult, in their childhood, or before being born. Learning of the ache others have felt and their comfort eased my pain. You are not alone.

Perhaps you have lost a family member to different values and paths that cause a deep anguish in your soul. You are not alone.

Perhaps your family has struggles with unresolvable health issues, addictions,  debilitating patterns and habits. There is help available and you are not alone.

Perhaps you have questions, uncertainties or financial problems. Whatever your challenge, someone has faced something similar and can offer solace, counsel, and friendship.

I have not experiences all of these, but I know those who have. And I have received strength from others who have reminded me, "you are not alone."

There are wonderful mothers and fathers and children out there living every day the best they know how. We have so much to offer each other. Let your voice be heard. Ask questions, share your successes, give comfort. I created a new website at to do just that. It is set up so families can share with each other on the Family to Family Facebook page. You are needed. Families helping families. Families cheering other families. Family to family. You are not alone.

We are all connected, and kindness is that voice that softly says, 
"I see you.  I honor you.  You are not alone."  
-Kelly Rae Roberts