This blog is to share my thoughts on Home as a Holy Place. Twenty-five years of marriage and children have brought many adventures that teach me daily home can be sacred ground. Wherever we seek Christ and whenever He reaches into our lives the holiness begins.

Home-A Holy Place Where Hearts Are Changed

Home - A Holy Place Where Hearts are Changed

Michael was sent to his room for refusing to obey.  His “I’ll never give in” defiant attitude gave me the realization we were probably in for another long battle of the wills.  “I’ll be back in a few minutes to talk,” I said and within maybe two minutes I hear “I’m ready to come out and I’m ready to obey.”  Total shock.  Did I hear right?  Remember, this is the child with the will of the Roman Army.  Out he comes as humble and bright and happy as could be.  What a contrast to the two minutes before when he was as defiant and miserable as could be!

“What caused you to change so fast?”  I said.
“I prayed,” he triumphantly replied.

His heart changed.  Quickly.  Completely. Through prayer.   Wow!  What a lesson for me.  When I pray for the Lord’s help to change my stubborn heart, am I receptive to His help that is so freely given?

I remember when I was so irritated at someone, and the Lord told me He loved her - and I could too.  And the time I was extremely angry and the Lord said “Let it go.” Then He helped me let it go.  And the time I was given an opportunity to serve that I didn’t want, and the Lord showed me the way to gain a love for the people I would serve and a passion for the cause involved.

When we look to God to change our hearts, He helps. And I learned from Michael when we want what God wants more than what we want, we can enjoy the miracle of a changed heart.