This blog is to share my thoughts on Home as a Holy Place. Twenty-five years of marriage and children have brought many adventures that teach me daily home can be sacred ground. Wherever we seek Christ and whenever He reaches into our lives the holiness begins.

Every Day Matters

There are "everyday days", where nothing earthshaking or monumental seems to be happening that seem to contrast to what I call "formal days", where final events and changes take place. This month I sent my son to Mexico for training, then on to Chile to teach people about the healing that comes from Jesus Christ.  On this formal day, the suitcases were closed and put in the car, final pictures taken, tender hugs exchanged and goodbyes said. He walked through security and my eyes followed him until I couldn't see him any more no matter how hard I squinted my tear filled eyes and strained my neck. Where did the time go? Where is my little boy? And who is this strong man facing forward to new adventures? What led up to this formal day that marks the end of a season and the beginning of another? I realized that the seemingly long time that led up to the parting is made of "everyday days" and "everyday moments."

Sigh. Joy. Gratitude. Happiness. Sadness. Admiration. Longing. Goodness. Memories. Adoration. Pain. Growth. Love. On and on, the flood of feelings is relentless.  Before my mind are memories of beautiful moments and great gratitude that I could be a part of this wonderful person's life who now goes out to bless others in this world. The stark realization came a few weeks ago that each moment of "everyday days" has so much power and potential for warmth, joy and good memories. And that is the point.  There really are no "everyday days," if that means ordinary. I took advantage of small moments in the previous weeks, to give an extra hug, listen and share my encouragement and faith in him. Every day matters in the daily summation of experiences. Every day has the potential to lift and bring light. Every day can provide opportunities for simple memories. Every day matters.

A sweet friend of mine shared an idea from a friend of hers who wrote nightly in her journal: "I'm glad I did..."  and "I wish I had..." Then the next day she got up and did what she wished she had done. Oh how I love that!  So I started.  And usually I find I wish I had said, "I love you," or listened better. So the next day I say and do what I wished I had done! Bless that wonderful mom for that fabulous idea! Today I see more clearly how every day matters and is leading towards ends and beginnings. Today I resolve to begin and end more days with deliberate expressions of love to those around me. Today I consciously acknowledge that the seemingly uneventful is full of power and potential. 

You will never have this day with your children again. Tomorrow they will be a little bigger then they are today. This day is a gift. Breathe and notice. ...Enjoy today ...           It will be over before you know it. 
-Jen Hatmaker