This blog is to share my thoughts on Home as a Holy Place. Twenty-five years of marriage and children have brought many adventures that teach me daily home can be sacred ground. Wherever we seek Christ and whenever He reaches into our lives the holiness begins.

Opening Closed Doors

Last month I pondered the closing of childhood doors and opening adulthood doors. Today I’m thinking about emotional doors. What do you do when walls go up?  When doors are closed? When relationships are strained?  Three experiences or “windows” into” family life have led me to these Three Doors: 1. The Listening Door.   2. The I’m Sorry Door.   3.  The Thank You Door.

Let’s look behind Door Number One.  It was about 10:00 p.m. and I could feel another no win battle beginning.  Of course I was busy explaining all the reasons why the answer was “no”.  Whine.  Cry.  Counter accusation.  “You never…..”  What more was there to say?  I felt so done! So I didn’t say anything and I think she thought I was listening. So the tone changed.  She reached out to me and I held her.  We climbed on a big rock outside and she talked and now I really did listen and acknowledge her feelings.  Instant and Big Change.  Hearts were being softened in BOTH of us, love came in that door and I remembered  (I knew it but I forgot it,) that listening opens doors.

This experience was behind Door Number Two. As we gathered for a big event, several of the children ignored direction, and came to  cross purposes with what we wanted to have happen, trying to be funny.  Big problem! Offended party exited with a big exit.  At this point several children realize they are not as funny as they thought they were.  I challenged the offending party to go visit the offended and say “I’m sorry, will you forgive me?”  They looked at me somewhat incredulously.  I said, “You’ve offended and you need to go make it right.”   So they did.  They apologized.  This took well over an hour, but hearts were being softened in BOTH parties, love came in that door and I remembered saying “I’m sorry” opens doors.

Now behind Door Number Three.   It was evening and I was reminding one child of the responsibilities that they didn’t do.  One could feel the child’s spirit withdraw and I again saw that clouded look in his eyes.  It came to me very clearly that this scenario was repeatedly happening.  And the relationship was going, going, gone. It came to even more clearly that he was an absolutely amazing child with great talent, capacity and desires to do right and I was continually overlooking that fact.  Whoa!  Stop!  Back up!  Retreat!  Regroup!  Retrench!  “Thank you for helping with the dishes, thank you for your efforts in the garden, thank you for helping your brother with his room, thank you for staying calm, and thank you for being a happy, smiling member of this family."   BOTH of our hearts were softened, love came in that door and I remembered that saying thank you, showing appreciation, and looking for the good, opens doors.

These doors can only turn on hinges of agency and be opened with gloves of humility.  Pride and force destroy these doors.  The prophet Moroni said: 

…and if ye will lay hold upon every good thing, and condemn it not, ye certainly will be a child of Christ.  (Moroni 7:19)

Listening, repenting, forgiving and showing appreciation certainly come under laying “hold upon every good thing.”  Perhaps when everything seems lost, we can with all our might “lay hold on every good thing” and watch holiness and miracles unfold.