This blog is to share my thoughts on Home as a Holy Place. Twenty-five years of marriage and children have brought many adventures that teach me daily home can be sacred ground. Wherever we seek Christ and whenever He reaches into our lives the holiness begins.

In the Beginning God Created...

In the Beginning God Created…

Duct tape bow ties.  A paper bug box – with paper insects to go inside and a live potato bug.  A traveling museum (with dead snake skin and really good dirt among many insects and other living or once living things.)  A homemade library.  A tinfoil tea set (it holds water.)  Shoe box traveling float contest.  Yarn dolls. Twisty tie animals.  A dozen homemade cardboard box doll houses.  A Christ craft center.  This is a partial list of things my nine year old daughter has been making.  Non stop. Tape, scissors, little bits of paper, string, fabric, cardboard, glue - evidence of creation everywhere.

In Genesis we learn God created the earth and it was good.  So what does creation look like in a Holy Home?  I believe we participate in His Creation when we invite children to our home.  I believe we have the privilege to create daily, the conditions, environment, and opportunities that encourage our children to learn of God and to make this world a better place.  And we can encourage and find joy in the creativity of our children - whether it is a grand piano or a grand mess!