This blog is to share my thoughts on Home as a Holy Place. Twenty-five years of marriage and children have brought many adventures that teach me daily home can be sacred ground. Wherever we seek Christ and whenever He reaches into our lives the holiness begins.

"I'm Grateful! How Are You?"

Tonight I found a great solution to a family challenge that has bothered me for several years.  It was rather simple. Why didn't I find a solution several years ago? Hmmmm...... I think I know.  I was so focused on how I thought it should be and how everyone was supposed to fix it, that I wasn't open to solutions or ideas. There was a gift in that problem and I refused it.  Betsy in The Hiding Place was grateful for the fleas.  Well, I could have been grateful for this family challenge and found a solution.  But I didn't.  Until tonight.

Which brings me to two conversations with people I admire.  One was this month and the other about 10 years ago.  

“I am grateful," my son said a couple of weeks ago.  “And why is that?” I asked.  He replied, “Oh, I have a good family, lots of good books, a good place to live, good friends.”  I was surprised  by the happy simplicity. 

Ten years ago I had a conversation with a dear friend.  I asked her how she was doing, and she responded, “I’m grateful.  How are you?”  I was stunned.  And I wanted to be grateful too.

What stole my gratitude?  Was it some feeling of entitlement that the world owes me something?  Do I think I deserve better cooperation? Happier relationships?  More possessions?  More free time? I've read there is an Indian tribe for which the word thank you does not exist.  Am I the same if I refuse to acknowledge the good and express gratitude?

When I'm grateful for each family member's efforts and acknowledge the good, it changes my heart and reality itself.  That is a miracle! 
When Christ healed the 10 lepers, one returned to give thanks. Maybe more than physical healing took place in that simple act of gratitude. Being grateful is not just a nice attribute for nice people who have blessings. It is for the emotionally empty, difficult marriages and rebellious children. It is for those of us with challenging health problems, financial reversal and overwhelming obstacles. It is for everyone who wishes to acknowledge God’s wisdom and goodness, and acknowledge the good in others. It is for all who want healing. 

       So when someone asks, “How are you?” Consider, “I’m grateful, and how are you?”