This blog is to share my thoughts on Home as a Holy Place. Twenty-five years of marriage and children have brought many adventures that teach me daily home can be sacred ground. Wherever we seek Christ and whenever He reaches into our lives the holiness begins.

Family Stories Matter

I closed the book because it was getting late. My children wanted to the story to go on.  But tomorrow was coming. I placed the book on the mantle and tucked everyone in. By the next morning one child had read several more chapters. This story of reading before bedtime was repeated hundreds of times in their childhood. I smile as I reflect on the wonderful reading memories over the years together. Those stories bonded us and made us who we are.  Stories created vision for our future and meaning for our past. 

This was the theme of my first online course! Family Stories Matter, the title of my course shared how the power is in the stories we read, tell, create and live every day in our families. I was so excited to share the things I learned with other parents last July in the first beta group.  In the creation of six modules, I began to articulate some of the deeply treasured knowledge acquired over the years.

So here I share a tiny glimpse into the thesis of the course. This is the beginning path to give your family values, voice and vision through the stories you read and tell.  

What do you value? How will you pass it on? What matters to you most? God? Freedom? Family? Loyalty? Compassion? Justice? Education? Define what your top values are, then read the books to your children that articulate those values. Talk about the values as you read together. David, in the book "Just David" by Eleanor Porter comes off the clear clean mountains of the Alps into an unknown culture, foreign in its values. He struggles to makes sense of it and as we watch him struggle we see our culture and its values in a new light. This story was one of my son's favorite reads and creates space for valuable family values discussion.  The story "I Am Malala" by Malala Yousafzai creates space for discussing the value and price of education and freedom.  Consider the values of what you read and watch because those books, and those movies instill values into the minds and hearts of your children. 

How do stories give impetus to voice? The stories that fire your children's hearts, will become the seedbed of the stories they share from their souls to the world. Their passion becomes their voice. The simplest of beginnings may be a story about a kind act such as Mary in "Ordinary Mary's Extraordinary Deed" by Emily Pearson who gives blueberries to her neighbor, starting a chain of kindness that influences the world. The way you encourage your child's desires and talents will give voice to the style and manner they share their message with others. It may be music, sports, architecture, poetry, whatever their unique gifts are will manifest the style of message your children send. And you as a parent, will share your voice powerfully as you carefully choose stories of value and merit shaping and passing the values on.

Your stories define your family vision. Whether conscious or not, the stories you read and tell, live and share, become the panorama of life before your children's eyes, ears and heart. With intention, deliberately craft a vision for you family. Does it include adventure? Read Swiss Family Robinson by Johann David Wyss, then plan adventure together. Define what adventure looks like for your family.  Is your vision one of family kindness? Read "My Father's Dragon" by Ruth Stiles Gannett and set a goal as a family to look for those who need your kindness and act on it. Your vision becomes real as you act on your ideas after reading the stories of others modeling that vision.

It seems almost too simple, but the power of stories in our children's hearts will drive their imagination and understanding throughout their lives. Great things turn on small hinges. Your family values, voice and vision lies in your hands. Choose carefully the stories that build your values, voice and vision. As has been said of freedom and belief, we are always one generation away from losing values we hold dear.  

Your Family Stories Matter. 

Let your voice be heard. Teach your children.