This blog is to share my thoughts on Home as a Holy Place. Twenty-five years of marriage and children have brought many adventures that teach me daily home can be sacred ground. Wherever we seek Christ and whenever He reaches into our lives the holiness begins.

Hearts Knit Half A World Apart

At 2:00 AM this morning I joined a prayer vigil through zoom that extended to a women's shelter, City of Goodness Center now doubling as a bomb shelter in south west Ukraine. Ukraine is in a full scale war and Marta, the director, introduced us to many mothers, women and children, who have recently come there for refuge. Our hearts knit together as we briefly heard their stories. There is a sisterhood among women and mothers where borders and language barriers melt away. It is a place where life and family is near and dear to our hearts and we feel to help each other. We cried, laughed, waved, and prayed for all. We spontaneously sang Happy Birthday to a young girl whose birthday is today. Marta led us on a tour of their shelter, made for 70, now holding over double that amount, between air raid warnings where they stayed in the basement and tell the children they are playing hide and seek. They had a difficult night with many bombings throughout the country. Today they will make mats for the newcomers, bake bread for their husbands, fathers and sons in the military and take care of their beautiful children. My heart goes out to them in the the uncertainty, the loss, the fear, the deprivation. Those on the zoom call just wanted to reach through and give these brave women a hug.

Big Ocean Women (BOW) initiated the zoom meeting. They knew a Ukrainian on the Wasatch Front who translated and Marta who is in Ukraine. BOW leader Kim shared a message from Proverbs 31 about virtuous women. One definition of virtuous is "warrior" and she explained that the Ukrainian women in the shelter are warriors.

At times we may feel like there is nothing we can do; however, here are three things Kim invited us to do:

1. Pray for the continued intercession of divinity for the protection and support of the vulnerable on both sides of the war front.

2. Donate for Marta and Dr. Zhovnir Volodymyr, head of pediatrics at a children's hospital in Ukraine who are caring for the most vulnerable. The money will go to expanding the facility, beds, cribs, medical supplies, food and clothing. The funds are gathered by Big Ocean Women and Worldwide Unified. Funds will go directly to those in need.

3. Use the hashtag #safeharborukraine if you wish to send an encouraging message. #safeharborukraine posts will be translated into Ukrainian for women at the shelter.

It amazes me how good women are at connecting and helping each other. Because I belong to this organization, I learned about this meeting and met these wonderful Ukrainian women. Yesterday I didn't know any of them by name and today I'm praying to all powerful God to preserve, intervene and protect those women, children families on both sides of this conflict.

Through a middle of the night meeting, I now feel connected to a group on the other side of the world in a full scale war. I can do something to help and trust God that He will hear the prayers of His children. #safeharborukraine

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