This blog is to share my thoughts on Home as a Holy Place. Twenty-five years of marriage and children have brought many adventures that teach me daily home can be sacred ground. Wherever we seek Christ and whenever He reaches into our lives the holiness begins.

"God Meant It Unto Good"

"God meant it unto good." -Genesis 50:20

This is the phrase said by Joseph in Egypt as he reassures his brothers and offers forgiveness. This - after he is thrown in a pit and sold into slavery, then serves as a slave for 13 years and endures merciless treatment at the hand of his brothers? Really? What might have been the best years of his life, he spent toiling away as a prisoner and enduring false accusations. This phrase "God meant it unto good," illustrates what Joseph could really see. He saw God's hand and hope for family relationships and refused to harbor the resentment and anger that could have easily overcome him.

In those years of divine tutoring, Joseph in Egypt, leaves prison, comes before pharaoh, interprets his troubling dreams and then wonder of wonders, is appointed second in command of all Egypt. He is assigned to gather and disperse the grain for the next fourteen years that the people of Egypt will eat and have bread. Through God's grace he rises from slave to power.

Along come his hungry brothers to buy corn when they learn there is food in Egypt. And there Joseph is, not known to them, in a place of power to administer mercy or justice; to forgive or punish. Joseph tested his brothers, and chose to forgive all, saying to them, "God meant it unto good." The story in all of its intricate details is a moving rendition of harshness then heart rending tenderness. I can only imagine that moment where Joseph reveals himself to his brethren and weeps. Ultimately the story testifies of  the power and joy of redemption and God's love. 

I've been pondering this for weeks, well, years actually. This was the favorite story my dad would tell and retell us, his children, then grandchildren for decades. He loved this story - oh how he loved this story! So now as I approach this story as an adult with new layers of understanding and life's challenges, I try to make sense of difficulty, pain and loss. Family lessons are pulsing through the narrative - this incredible story of relationships; husband-wife, parent-child and sibling. Its relevance is as current as todays news full of divisiveness in families, communities and nations. I feel and hear my Dad's voice seeking to share his knowledge and wisdom with me through this 4000 year old story. Life will bring you pain and betrayal. What will you do with it? Do you have the faith to say, "God meant it unto good?"  

I feel my Dad's very soul coming through the generations and Joseph's influence coming through the antiquities as I hope to pass on these truths to my children, that they may say in difficulty, "God meant it unto good." 

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