This blog is to share my thoughts on Home as a Holy Place. Twenty-five years of marriage and children have brought many adventures that teach me daily home can be sacred ground. Wherever we seek Christ and whenever He reaches into our lives the holiness begins.

Reflections on Mothers Day

A compass showing four directions NESW describes Mother's Day to me.

First. True North. I look the direction of my mother as the most powerful force in my life because of her deep devotion to motherhood. While I struggled mightily raising a large family, I knew, absolutely knew, within the depths of my soul  that meaning beyond mortality was in choosing motherhood. Her laser focus in this direction is her greatest gift to me. I drew upon her reservoir of understanding over and over, and will forever and ever, worlds without end, be grateful for her commitment to what she knew.
Second. East. I look the direction of my sister, Julie, and countless others who did not bear children but loved, nurtured, comforted and encouraged others and are mothers in every sense of the word. I still remember the emptiness of losing my first child just before Mother's Day. Empty womb. Empty hands. Empty home. Surely motherhood is not a children count, but a heart meter. Someday all losses will be made up through Christ.
Third. Going South. Sometimes I feel massive inadequacy. More acutely aware of my shortcomings, and seeing the gap between reality and vision is sometimes painful. I now see Mother's Day as honoring the messy work of family life, seeking to give thanks and partner with God, knowing He has a plan and with Him all things are possible.
Fourth. West. I honor and give thanks to my mothers and fathers who came before me. Past generations have made the rising generation possible. I believe children are the joy, delight and hope of the ages!  Family life is where we prayerfully and hopefully emerge loving, forgiving, and eternal family. It is also where we learn the most valuable lessons of our lives. A beautiful circle is created - as my children's lives once came through me, now bring joyous life to me. Their children, their hopes, their dreams, their learnings provide profound direction to my life.

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