This blog is to share my thoughts on Home as a Holy Place. Twenty-five years of marriage and children have brought many adventures that teach me daily home can be sacred ground. Wherever we seek Christ and whenever He reaches into our lives the holiness begins.

Plant a Seed

Till the ground. Plant a seed. Water it. Nurture it. 

Our world has so many opinions. So much divisiveness. So much anger. What to do? 

Plant a good seed and nurture it. Whatever our political persuasions, I think we can agree that we want the world to be a better place. We want people to feel safe, be happy and loved.  What can we add that will make the world just a little better?

Whether the seed is a kind word, a truth spoken with love and conviction, an inspiring picture, a good deed or even a thought of goodness sent out to the world, it adds to the scale. Start with yourself. Your family. Your community and country.  All we do, say and even think is adding to the world scale. It matters. It matters what you do and say to world wellness. It matters to the cells inside your body and it matters to the people around you. Ultimately it tips the world scale one way or the other.  

I think my Dad understood this. He planted garden seeds every year by the side of his children then grandchildren. He understood the generational power to transfer values by working by the side of young people, teaching them skills, and encouraging them. He understood the law of the harvest. He understood that planting seeds and growing children take time - consistent and loving time given freely over many years. He intuitively knew that raising vegetables teaches results come over time, not instantly. He knew that your crop was also dependent on heaven for success.  He always shared his produce with his neighbors. The fourth of July in 2017,  the year before he died, he came out to my yard to help my children plant corn. If they thought they were able to sleep in, they were wrong. By their side, he helped them put the seeds in the soil, for a harvest many days later. 

A farmer. Some seeds. Good ground. Over the years he consistently did this and the intergenerational results are profound. Capable people who trust in God and can spread goodness wherever they are, whatever the cultural weather. And this is what our seeds of good will can do for the world. Share your meal with a neighbor. Teach a refugee English. Give a baby shower to an unwed mother who chose to keep her baby. Encourage someone who is down. Plant the seeds. Plant good seeds. 

They will bear fruit. 

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